Here are links to some of our most favourite vintage bike associates!
Hackney Pedder - https://www.thehackneypeddler.co.uk/
Steel Vintage - https://steel-vintage.com/pages/cafes-stores
National Cycle Museum (Wales) - https://www.cyclemuseum.org.uk/
Argos Finishers - https://argoscycles.com/contact/
Hetchins - https://www.hetchins.org/
About the Bike - https://www.aboutthebike.co.uk/
Velo Retro - https://veloretro.co.uk/
Vintage Cycle Sport - https://www.vintagecyclesport.com/
Useful Links, worth a look!
Reliable retro bike hire, run for cyclists by cyclists.
The very best pre1987 Classic British steel bikes in the heart of the Peak District.
Established in 2009 during a ride in the Yorkshire Dales between two avid cyclists, Shutt Velo Rapide began with a simple mission; to create a well-designed, high quality brand of cycling garments using modern fabrics that offers accessible performance. The company headquarters have since moved to Oxfordshire. Everyone at Shutt is still as passionate as we wereback then; continuing to stay true to our core values of authentic craftsmanship fused with clever technical solutions. We strive to give our customers a reason to come back time and time again to our small and personable business.
All our products are designed in Great Britain. Many of our jersey ranges are handmade in Leicestershire. Our other products are made by hand by specially selected partners in Italy and China. We have the unique privilege of being involved in every aspect of the production process allowing us to continually improve and develop our product range regardless of the season. Our website and custom kit ranges really are tailored for the road and fits the needs of all cyclists – young, old, male or female, the average rider, sportive racer or out and out professional.